Join the movement to cleanse the planet on World Clean up Day!
Communities in Tanzania and Kenya are coming together with a global network in preparation for World Clean Up Day on the 15th of September, a day where eliminating rubbish is the number one priority.
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As part of the lead up to the day itself, a series of clean ups and waste mapping events have been held around the world and across both countries. Most recently in Arusha, Tanzania 25 volunteers came together on the 18th of August to clean up Kijenge & Moshono communities, focusing mainly on the rivers and river banks. The Elewana Collection and Sky Safari have supported this movement in Tanzania and also donated trash bags for the rubbish collected. Jane Goodall and her Roots & Shoots Foundation have also joined the Let's Do It Arusha committee in order to apply their knowledge and skills to create waste and trash awareness around the communities.
The Let’s Do It Campaign introduced a mobile app for trash mapping, to enable a coordinated and targeted approach to clean ups for the first time. Tanzania was delighted to be the winner of the Weekly World Mappers Challenge in early August, which then motivated them to do another mapping challenge that took place on the 21st of to encourage the community to do their part. Jane Goodall’s inspirational speech addressing World Clean Up Day and the problems that waste causes to the environment has inspired over 1000 followers of the Let's Do It Arusha & Moshi Facebook page and others to start cleaning up the mess that we make daily and to reassess and rebuild the attitudes we all have to waste on a long term basis.
Let’s Do It Kenya is also helping the anti-pollution movement by promoting the mobile app, helping to map illegal garbage points and dumpsites across the country. They also held a Twitter chat on Frequently Asked Questions about World Clean Up day, which reached over 70,000 people with information on keeping our planet clean.
So, save the date – Saturday 15th of September - and join the biggest positive civic action in the world with people from 150 countries not only cleaning up trash but raising global awareness and implementing lasting changes that will see each individual make a real difference in the global waste epidemic.