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Covering these basic skill sets has allowed Craig to concentrate on developing each individual guide’s ability to listen, understand and relate to individual guests better.
More recently Craig has conducted a number of training sessions specifically addressing our Head Guides, to ensure they have the tools and knowledge to manage their individual team members. All successful teams need a structure where every member is empowered to do their job to the best of their ability, for the head guides they must have the ability to train and empower their individual teams.
Covering aspects such as integrity, punctuality and responsibility amongst others Head Guides are all asked to focus on their ability to set an example - to become a successful leader by setting themselves high expectations in certain key areas of their own daily routine .
A veteran of 25 years spent in the field Craig is grateful that he can bring his knowledge, experience and learnings to our cadre of local guides and develop these individuals to become extraordinary people and ultimately, exceptional guides.