Having faced many challenges in these last few months, we in East Africa have been especially concerned about how to help offset the drastic loss of funding which safari tourism once provided to conservation and wildlife efforts, as well as income to those in our communities. The creation of The Pamoja Fund, in collaboration with The Land & Life Foundation, has helped us to facilitate and support local community and conservation programs thanks to the donations made by you and other kind benefactors. These initiatives have helped to create awareness and sensitisation about COVID-19, touching on issues around prevention and hygiene. To date a total of USD $3,577 has been raised through your thoughtful contributions and 100% of these funds have gone to supporting various projects.


USD715 purchased 24 care packages, containing staple food items and sanitising supplies for the employees and their families.

Crop Protection at Randilen Wildlife Management Area (RWMA)

A month and a half worth of fuel will be purchased, which will sustain the patrol vehicles that the rangers use to help keep wildlife and communities safe.

Soup Kitchen at Elewana The Manor Ngorongoro

Funds were used to purchase and prepare 715 meals for children at Mwema Orphanage and Dageno Girls Center.

Kenya Wildlife Trust’s COVID Response Initiative:

In Kitirua Conservancy, next to Amboseli, donations were used to purchase reusable masks and soap for 30 families, approximately 300 people.

Aitong Health Centre

Land & Life Foundation and Aitong Health Centre have partnered for the past nine years and USD715 is being used for repairs for the health and safety of their staff and patients.

If you would like to support The Pamoja Fund, please click here.