learn explore conserve giraffe center

learn explore conserve

The rising awareness of the newly termed “climate crisis” is seizing the headlines as we go to press, forcing us to think again about our relationship with nature. Growing concerns over biodiversity and species extinctions are being reported, and alarming statistics from respected scientists suggest an uncertain future for our planet, its’ natural resources and our human race. In this context, conservation and environmental education plays a vital role in preparing young people for the threats and challenges they are likely to face. 

Here in East Africa this holds even more true, as the lives of so many are intertwined with their natural environment on a daily basis. Walks to the river to collect water involve encounters with elephants; crops always relied upon to support the family fail unexpectedly through drought; rains expected in October arrive in December and stay until March, flooding the drylands and damaging infrastructure. Times are changing and the Land & Life Foundation is determined to help young people steer a course through.

This Wildlife Warrior Resource Pack, printed this month thanks to funding from partners SafariPros, is being distributed to all Wildlife Warrior Club Schools in February 2020. The pack has been developed specifically for the Wildlife Warriors of East Africa. Bright young conservationists armed with in depth knowledge and understanding offer our world the best hope of not only survival but of development and bettering of lives for all. The resource pack features nine units, each with a different conservation or environmental focus. The information and activities are designed to promote a collaborative “active learning” approach that emphasizes hands-on learning and enhances the value of shared experiences. The material is aimed specifically at an East African audience, with relevant examples, illustrations and contexts. Every chapter has simple exercises that enable students to work directly with the material alone or in small groups, and can easily be adapted or expanded by the teacher or session leader. Topics range from human-wildlife conflict and soils and sustainable agriculture to waste and recycling and urban development. 

When visiting any of the schools supported by Elewana Collection’s charitable arm, the Land & Life Foundation, take the opportunity to look at the new Wildlife Warrior Resource Pack and the projects that the children are working on to become future conservationists that will protect this planet.