Uplifting news from Shanga - The difference a wheelchair can make.

shanga-logoLast year a family from Virginia, USA had to purchase a wheelchair to use while on their travels in Tanzania. Prior to departing Nairobi, they offered to donate the wheelchair through the Shanga Foundation and requested to give it to one of the Shanga team they had meet. We identified Simon, one of our newer staff members, as someone who would benefit greatly from having the chair. Simon has a significant physical disability, which affects his ability to walk. Prior to Shanga, his only option was to move around on his hands and lower body, this often drew stares from passers-by and caused extreme discomfort while negotiating the different terrains and weather conditions in Arusha. His staunch personality meant he would ignore these hardships and do the best he could so he could live as independently as possible. His determination to demonstrate his abilities is an inspiration to us all at Shanga and many who visit.

We recently received the wheelchair from Nairobi and were able to give it to Simon. He is known as a man of few words but the sparkle and smile on his face on receiving the chair was the best gratitude indicator any of us could have hoped for.

On the day Simon, received his chair Denis, our Workshop Manager assisted Ruth, our Development Consultant to translate a few more details for Simon. We wanted him to know that it was his chair, for him to keep where he chose and not just to be used when he was at work. He was overcome when he realized it was his and not just a loan.

In speaking to Simon to get his approval to include his story in this newsletter he commented “He gives his thanks to God as he is the only one who really knew the full impact this has made to his life and his families”. Simon is the father of five children and since he has been at Shanga he has been able to send a regular amount home to support them and this can now continue.

Simon has only been at the workshop for a few months. Originally, he was on a short-term contract to assist in the Beading Department due to an order for a large beaded chandelier. To our delight not only is he a talented and experienced beader, he is also an experienced Tailor. Therefore we were delighted at the beginning of March to be able to offer Simon a full-time contract and to welcome him as a valuable and multi-talented member of the Shanga Family.