Silverless Pioneer Camp - Bush Lunch

The United Republic of Tanzania has announced new entry fees to Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) effective from 1 July 2021. The new fees will affect all safaris travelling after this date, including existing, new and postponed safaris.

National Park Park Entry FeeConcession FeeCamping Fee
  Current to 30/06/2021 Effective 01/07/2021 Current to 30/06/2021 Effective 01/07/2021 Current to 30/06/2021 Effective 01/07/2021
High Low High Low High Low

National Park

Adult 53.10 59.00 53.10 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Child 17.70 17.70  NA NA NA NA NA NA

National Park

Adult 82.60 $82.60 $82.60 NA NA  NA NA NA NA
Child 23.60 23.60 NA NA NA NA NA NA

Lake Manyara
National Park

Adult 53.10 59.00 53.10 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Child 17.70 17.70 NA NA  NA NA NA NA

National Park

Adult 70.80 82.60 70.80 59.00 70.80 59.00 59.00 70.80 59.00
Child 23.60 23.60  11.80 11.80  11.80 11.80 

National Park

Adult 53.10 59.00 53.10 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Child 17.70 17.70 NA NA NA NA NA NA

Please note the following:

  • All figures are quoted in US Dollars and are inclusive of VAT.
  • All additional park fee categories not listed above have not been amended.
  • For Park Fees, the 'High Season' runs from 01/07/21 to 14/03/22  and 16/05/22 to 30/06/22; and the 'Low Season' from 15/03/22 to 15/05/22.
  • For both Concession and Camping fees, the 'High Season' runs from 01/07/21 to 30/09/21; and the 'Low Season' runs from 01/10/21 to 30/06/22.
  • Figures marked in bold show an increase in cost, and figures marked in italics denote a decrease in cost.
  • Acronyms used: NP, National Park; Ad, Adult; Ch, Child.

In order to ensure that all bookings that travel from the 1 July 2021 are financially accurate, our team is editing all the relevant rates. We will be sure to provide you with any updates as we review the reservations.