Shanga distributed reusable menstrual pad packs to female staff to assist them with menstrual health and hygiene. Thanks to a recent donation from Dwelling JH, Shanga was able to use the funds to provide a standard pack of reusable pads to their female staff. When the packs were delivered, Shanga organized a training session to demonstrate how to use and care for the pads as well as a discussion about menstrual health, hygiene and reproduction.
Millions of girls and women around the world struggle to manage their monthly periods and stay engaged in their normal daily life due to the fact that they are unable to afford or access safe menstrual products. As a result, unhygienic, ineffective and uncomfortable improvised materials are relied upon. Addressing this issue can be as easy as having access to well-made reusable pads, a solution which lowers the barriers that can prevent women from going to work and girls attending school during menstruation.
Shanga’s goal is to be able to supply a second pack to all female staff, as well as starter packs for the wives and daughters of all Shanga employees. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..